Friday, September 29, 2017

Ornamental Plants at our Garden

While growing up in my island, I got many opportunities to appreciate the beauty and the benefits of ornamental plants for human well-being. Most of these plants were grown by my mom in the garden of my home. As my island is the island that receives highest rainfall in the Maldives, my mom didn't have to put a lot of effort in watering the plants. During the warm seasons, mom used her watering pot to water the plants.

The objective of writing this article is not to provide very detailed explanations about the nature of different ornamental plants, however, to provide a brief explanation of 3 of the most beautiful ornamental plants that were grown in our garden.

At the center of our garden, we had the one of the most beautiful tropical flowering plant. I loved the red, yellow and orange flowers of the Indian Shot Plant with its graceful petals. The scientific name of the plant is Canna indica while the local name is Thasbeehagas or Kenaa. Canna indica is a perennial and grows up to 1.5 m by 0.6 m. The flowers are hermaphrodite which means having male as well as female organs. The plant is suited for light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and favors well-drained soil. The adequate pH comprise acidic, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. The plant is not able to grow in the shady areas. It favors moist soil. Canna indica is the source of 'canna starch', which is utilized as an arrowroot.

Any one who see the beautiful French marigold flowers in a garden would the love the beauty of these flowers. The scientific name of the plant is Tagetes erecta / T. patula. In Dhivehi, it is known as Sandhubaraka. The Marigold flowers are pompon-like flowers, commonly observed in sunny and bright colors of yellow and gold to orange. Tagetes erecta and Tagetes patula are species of the genus Tagetes. It is normally called Marigolds, they are fast-growing annual flowering plants with heights varying from dwarfs of 6-8 in, to medium and taller plants that develop from 9 in to 3 feet tall or above. The plant requires full sun and warmth and grows best in warm climates. The plant need to be watered on a regular basis, particularly during hot and dry seasons. The plant favors organic-enriched, moist and well-drained soil. However, it is adaptable to any kind of soil. Marigolds are superior for borders or beds, edging, landscaping and in mass or mixed plantings. Marigolds are perfect for container gardening as well.

The beautiful and bright flowers of garden balsam used to bloom in our garden often. The scientific name of the plant is Impatiens balsamina and is locally known as Dhethand'imaagas. The plant is an erect, barely-branched, delicate annual that commonly grows to 6-30” tall (reliant on variety). Even though a senior garden favorite since as early as Victorian era, it has been overshadowed in reputation recently by its close-relative, the flat-flowered garden impatiens (Impatiens walleriana). The colours of the flower comprise pink, rose, red, purple, white and bicolor. The plant requires full sun to part shade to grow, medium water and tolerates drought and dry soil. 

Some other beautiful ornamental plants grown in our garden include lilies, roses, orchids, hibiscuses, thousand flowers and sunflowers.  

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