Saturday, September 16, 2017

Environmental Awareness

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What is Environmental Awareness?

Environmental awareness is to comprehend the vulnerability of our surroundings and the value of its security. Advocating environmental awareness is an effortless method to become an environmental steward and engage in producing a prosperous future for our kids.

Different media and methods are utilized to circulate environmental awareness amongst the people. The electronic media and the print media are the primary mechanisms of circulating information about our surroundings instructing people about different environmental threats and methods to deal with. News, social media, interviews and discussions on radio and television are putting a lot of emphasis at contemporary environmental concerns.

The Preliminary Stage of Environmental Consciousness
The first stage of creating environmental awareness in a community involve gaining sufficient knowledge about different environmental issues. Learning the latest environmental news and reading all-encompassing books about environmental dangers are outstanding assets. If you’re the kind of individual who opts a more synergistic method, attending environmental seminars is an outstanding choice.

After you have become environmentally conscious you can narrow down your focus on one specific issue that is of great concern for you. The quantity of environmental issues appear measureless and whilst they are all crucial it is good at the first stage to aim at one cause. You will shortly see that all environmental problems are tangled and will identify your place of curiosity. After your judgment is made you then justify its value and necessity to your society, allies, and family, make up advantageous communal projects, and discover more causes to be part of.

Some of the Main Environmental Issues Facing Our Community

Beach Erosion: Beach erosion is a widespread environmental issue in the Maldives facing almost all the islands. The main causes of the beach erosion are anthropogenic. The main causes identified include loss of a origin of sand; augmented susceptibility to the incident wave climate because of past mining of the house reef; alterations in the near-shore current patterns, either because of natural reasons or anthropogenic modifications, like making of coastal infrastructure; alterations in the natural sediment balance; and updrift confinement of sand behind inshore structures constructed without pre-filling.

Solid Waste Management: The increase in population, modification in the lifestyle of people and the flourishing tourism industry have contributed to the increase in solid waste in the Maldives. Waste is not segregated at the household level and end up in the landfills where mixed waste is continuously incinerated to decrease the volume, hence giving rise to air and land pollution. The national GHG inventory documents 5.9% of the GHG emission from burning of waste in landfills. Waste sector is accountable for 96.3% methane emissions as well as 72.2% nitrous oxide emissions.

Air pollution: Air pollution is one of the critical environmental issue facing the city dwellers in the Maldives. The main causes of poor outdoor air quality in Male' City comprise release of air pollutants from motor vehicles, vessels, construction activities, electricity generation and open incineration of solid waste at Thilafushi landfill. In other islands waste incineration carried out at dumpsites and backyards play a significant role in air pollution.

Groundwater Pollution: The Maldive Islands are low lying and there isn't a single point in the nation higher than 2m above the sea level. The water table is present at very shallow depths not beyond 2m under the ground surface. Moreover, freshwater lens in every island is very thin. The groundwater quality in the country has been worsened over the years because of salt water intrusion and groundwater pollution arising from the poor sanitation systems. Moreover, alteration in the ways in which water is extracted led to poor groundwater quality.

Your Role in Conserving the Environment

Once you have gained sufficient knowledge about different environmental issues that concerns you, you can utilize that knowledge to come up with profitable projects at your home and in your community. Some of the good examples of work that can be carried out at individual level to show you that you care about your environment include:

  • Instead of driving to your office or schools, riding your bicycle, walking or using public transport to reduce your GHG emissions.
  • Begin composting or recycling which will help you reduce your waste disposal.
  • Think about ways to conserve water in everyday life like turning off the taps while brushing your teeth or washing your hands.
  • Start using organic food to assure that the food you eat do not contain pesticides.
  • Switch off electronics and appliances while not using.
  • Use of energy-saving light bulbs 
At the community level, the citizens of Maldives have been role models in their sincere efforts to conserve their environment. Some of the outstanding activities carried out by locals at the community level include beach cleaning events, tree planting activities, different environment-related activities carried out by environmental clubs of schools, and community-based waste management. In addition, many businesses acknowledge that environmental preservation is one of their obligations. These businesses aim their Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) at different environmental issues such as pollution prevention, waste reduction and recycling, energy conservation and etc.

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